Cyber Crime - Utah Businesses
Are you in Immediate Danger? Call 911
Utah Businesses - Where to Report Cyber Crime
If you need a law enforcement referral (state or federal), contact the SIAC at 801-965-3838.
If you represent a Utah-based organization and need assistance or have recovered from a cyber attack (such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, Business Email Compromise (BEC), website defacement, ransomware) and want to share indicators of compromise to protect others please report to the SIAC in addition to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
If you are considered critical infrastructure according to DHS, and need assistance in recovery- report an incident to CISA.
If your business experienced a data breach involving Utah individual’s personal information, report to the Utah Cyber Center.
If you want to report deceptive business practices, spam calls, and other consumer fraud, report to the Federal Trade Commission.