Intimate Partner Domestic Violence
Intimate Partner Domestic Violence
In Utah, an incident of intimate domestic violence is reported to law enforcement more than once every hour on average and one out of three homicides is a result of domestic violence. In a significant stride towards bolstering the safety of domestic violence victims, Utah’s legislative landscape witnessed a transformative change with the enactment of Senate Bill 117, Utah’s Intimate Partner Lethality Assessment Protocol. This groundbreaking legislation, effective starting July 1, 2023, empowers law enforcement officers to proactively assess and manage risk factors faced by victims of domestic violence between intimate partners.
The cornerstone of Utah’s Senate Bill 117 lies in the mandatory completion of a lethality assessment by all Utah law enforcement officers when responding to incidents of intimate partner violence. This assessment tool serves as a crucial instrument in gauging the potential danger victims face, allowing for a more informed and targeted intervention to ensure their safety. A platform was created for all law enforcement to use for submission of this assessment and allows transparency across the state.
Key to the successful implementation of this protocol is the support provided by the Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center (SIAC), which secured funding to staff their fusion center around the clock to analyze the over 12,000 estimated incidents of intimate partner violence reported to Utah law enforcement throughout the year. Once the lethality assessment is completed on scene, SIAC receives the information and uses analytical tools to provide the officer a comprehensive view of the offender’s history with criminal justice agencies which may increase the risk the victim/survivor may be in. This is provided within 15-30 minutes of the officer’s submission. Utah’s goal is to have officers provide this pertinent information on the offender to the courts so they may take a holistic approach to pretrial release conditions. This continuous operational capability is instrumental in facilitating timely lethality assessments, ensuring that victims receive immediate attention and protection in moments of crisis.