Cyber Crime - Utah Citizens

Where to Report Cyber Crime

Are you in Immediate Danger? Call 911

Victims of Cyber Crime

If you are a victim of a cyber crime and experienced any monetary loss or damages, report to both your local law enforcement agency and report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
Local Law Enforcement Agency: Be sure to receive a case number from your local law enforcement agency for documentation purposes.
Find Non-Emergency Numbers
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): Cyber crime often crosses state or international borders. Trained analysts review and research the complaints and share them to the proper federal, state, local,or international law enforcement agency.
Report to IC3

Was Your Email or Social Media Hacked?

If someone either hacked or is trying to hack your social media or email

Secure your account: 

  • Immediately gain control of your accounts if you can and change your passwords.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication (send a PIN to an email address or phone)
  • Inspect security settings and determine if there are any unknown devices logged in – if there are, log them out and change your password.
  • Do not use the same password for different website applications. Some websites get breached and malicious actors will try to use those passwords for other services.

Report Identity Theft provides streamlined checklists and sample letters to guide you through the recovery process.
A hacker trying to steal information and identity