
Reporting Criminal, Confidential and Cold Case Tips

Are you in Immediate Danger? Call 911

A young woman browsing her computer

Cyber Crime Tip

If you are a victim of a cyber crime and experienced monetary loss or damages, report to both your local law enforcement agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

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Police car responding to a threat or emergency

Confidential Crime Tip

Submit a confidential crime tip to alert the SIAC and law enforcement of crimes involving gang activity, human trafficking/smuggling, or drug smuggling, trafficking, or sales.

A police officer or detective reviewing a case and solving a crime

Cold Case Tip

If you have information that may assist in a cold case investigation, please report to the SIAC. The SIAC works with the Utah Cold Case Review Board to assist in solving Cold cases in Utah and nationwide.

Someone reporting suspicious activity

Suspicious Activity

If someone's behavior doesn't seem quite right, or something seems out of place, please report suspicious activity to "protect your everyday.”

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Image of Utah desert landscape

Suspicious Land Conveyance

County Recorders: 2024’s passage of HB516 requires County Recorders to report suspicious Land Conveyance to the Department of Public Safety.

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What does SIAC do with reported information? 

The Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC) serves as a centralized hub for receiving crime tips from across the state. Acting as the primary intake point, the SIAC collects and processes these tips before disseminating them to the relevant jurisdictions for further investigation. By ensuring that each tip reaches the appropriate local, state, or federal law enforcement agency, the SIAC enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of crime-solving efforts. Additionally, the SIAC may reach out to the tip submitter to gather more detailed information, ensuring that all leads are thoroughly vetted and actionable.